To celebrate our thirty-first wedding anniversary we look our 8mm film of our wedding and had it put on DVD, all 3 minutes of it. But it is fun to revisit the day and the beginning of the best days of our lives together. Who would have thought we would be where we are today and yet still in this system of things, but not for long. The very best is yet to come.
Well summer came and went in a weekend, we have had more rain and more rain. Oh its been raining lately too. But that doesnt stop our fun, we are grateful to have running water.
The patio is almost finished and the porch floor is sporting a nice new paint color. If it ever stops raining we can paint more stuff.
PS The first photo is the first time the "JulieRoseLook" was ever caught on film, but many times repeated.
hay stop braging about haveing runing water......your sooo meen
sorrry I meant it as an honorable mention to you!!