Monday, September 21, 2009

Sing to Jehovah

We are all very excited to get the new songbook and music from the website. So much so that we spent the weekend listening to the new music and trying to figure out what is what and where it is.

Tonight we had our first Hooteenanny (British translation, from American Jibberish: A get together to sing songs.) According to David. Anyway, a number of dear ones in our congregation came over to sing some of the new songs, it was a lot of fun. Two of the most beautiful songs, in my opinion, # 110, 111. They are not easy songs to sing, but we will get the hang of them. One of the hardest tasks was learning old words to new melodies, like From House to House, that was hard! By the way we didn't all cry when we sang #111, we were distracted with trying to sing it right, but after we master it we will.
David is recovering from his foot injury, so much so that he is hoping to play golf tomorrow. We'll see.
The mouse hunt is in full scale. We have tried to design a major mouse trap but so far we are back to the drawing board. One thing we have learned is that while mice are very fast they are also very agile, able to jump at least three feet into the air, don't ask why we know this.
Ashley is off to Nicaragua in October, tomorrow she gets all of her shots, she will be one sore puppy.
Later . . .

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

When it rains it pours

Can you keep up with this? When I talk about rain I aint talkin about da weather!

Yesterday was just a beautiful day for weather actually, so much so that David decided to mow the lawn. Pretty good idea I thought. So, just when he was about a foot away from the Housatonic River the steering quit and he lost control. Quick thinking caused him to ditch the mower and bail. The mower went into the river, but unfortunately his foot got caught in the blade and suffered a pretty nasty laceration. (Boo boo)

At first he thought he had sprained his ankle and was able to hobble to Maria's cottage. After bleeding all over her house she whisked him to the ER. That's when they called me. I was at the court house collecting data. He got himself pretty good, about a four by one laceration to the top of the foot. Well the surgeon decided to stitch him up right there and while I started to watch, well, lets just say to stay vertical I let the doc do his job sans audience. Fourteen stitches later he was back in one piece.


The lawn mower was saved by Tom Boinay and his massive truck and our super neighbors who helped. I owe them all a roasted beef tenderloin.

David is resting today with little pain, but a weeping foot.

Like I said, when it rains it pours.
